Friday, February 18, 2011

The Worst Band In The Universe: A Totally Cosmic Musical Adventure

The Worst Band In The Universe: A Totally Cosmic Musical Adventure by Graeme Base is a feast of a book. Visually, it blows your mind.  The whole story is told in a rhyme that dances off the tongue, despite all the wacky words Base invents to tell his tale (Sprocc, splitwanger, Blippian, groob).  There is even an accompanying CD with songs from the Worst Band In The Universe contest participants that is rockin', kid friendly and insanely catchy.

The story tells of a part of the universe where music is regulated - no one can change the ancient tunes, or write their own.  Young Sprocc searches for a place where he can "mesh" with other like-minded musicians and finds it at the Worst Band In The Universe contest - because in a world where there's little to no music, who wants to be the best??  It ends happily and dances along the way.  Last night after WonderGirl and I read it again, the reality of no one being allowed to make new music got to her.  She was horrified, and in protest, jumped up and announced she was going to create HER own music, and stood at the piano singing and composing for a good 15 minutes.  AWESOME.  Added bonus?  The songs are perfect for a Living Room Dance Party too!


jennaroo said...

I loved Graeme Base books growing up!! His books are awesome! just gave me a bday gift for Teagan. Thank you!

Jane said...

Good golly she's a swift one.

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