Friday, March 11, 2011

Living Room Dance Party #8

The Dude was up far too early, coughing and sniffling.  We had no concrete plans yesterday, but with a sick toddler, we decided to stay home.  This is NOT good for the WonderGirl.  From the time she was just a few weeks old, she would start screaming by 11am if she hadn't been taken out on a walk to mingle with the locals and see the sights.  This is no mere want - it is a definite need.  My solution?  This song:

Nil Na La is one of the greatest songs to ever grace my ears.  I cannot listen to it without dancing - absolutely impossible.  Solas is the supergroup of Irish music and every single member of the band is the best at their instrument.  The absolute BEST.  If you want to dive into a bit of the Celtic music, you can't go wrong with any album by Solas - and this 2006 release one is one of my absolute favorites... and this song - OH this song...  it made our day 6 kajillion times better.

I dare you to listen to it without dancing.  Double dare.


Harriet M. Welsch said...

I'm so glad you posted this again. I downloaded it the last time you mentioned it and it's become one of my favorites.

Jane said...

I wouldn't know about the best at their instrument stuff - but it's fun and I do love the Celtic.

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